Once u have an email with attachment, u open that mail, and press options. Go 
to actions sub menue, and click on save, or copy, or download whatever options 
u get.

With best regards,
Email produced on nokia c5-00 using a symbian based screen reader.
Gsm: +919594597588
Windows live:

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] problemm with attachments in nokia c5
From: bardiazak...@gmail.com
Date: 04/04/2011 12:58 pm

Now i using my nokia e66 with talks 5.20.
How, i can open atashment and etc in mobile   

-- originalmedd. --
Ämne: Re: [Talks] problemm with attachments in nokia c5
Från: "Caleb Eee" <eeejiaji...@gmail.com>
Datum: 2011.04.04 09.20

Hi, this email thing has got nothing to do with firmware update. It is under 
software update. Thanks. Caleb
-----Original Message-----
From: Eleanor Burke
Sent:  04/04/2011, 11:20  AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] problemm with attachments in nokia c5

Andrew can you tell us what the version of firmware you have on the C 5. Once I 
know this, I will send myself an e-mail attachment amd open it on the C 5.
-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] problemm with attachments in nokia c5
From: Andrew Lamanche <ioani...@me.com>
Date: 03/04/2011 10:54 pm


When i view an e-mail with attachments, Talks tells me the names of the 
attachments but when I select them and then go into "options" I do not have the 
menu item which would say either download the attachment or save the 
attachment. It is as if Talks doesn't see the icons for doing so. When I bought 
my Nokia c5, I did what the manual advised me to do before installing Talks, 
i.e. I updated the software on the Nokia, and one of the updates was the email 
application. So maybe it is what others on the list have been talking about, 
that is , that the latest version of e-mail application is not compatible with 
Talks. I don't think I can go back to the previous version. I would not have 
the courage to play around with the software. I haven't got enough 
understanding of it, and the phone was expensive enough so I don't want to mess 
it up. I was just asking because I thought I was doing something wrong. I'm not 
even sure hwo how to check the date of my recent email application. How can you 
access your attachments?

Thanks for any information and the time.

On 3 Apr 2011, at 15:37, Bhavesh wrote:

> Hi friends,
> can you tell what problems  did you face with the attachments in this phone?
> cause i had successfully downloaded the attachment, and copied it to
> the memory card.
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