Actually he simply said he would like to share with us his experience and 
findings and invited anyone else who so desired to share also. He stated what 
is the case and what he would like to see as an improvement. I personally did 
not read any criticism of Stephen or any other member on the list.
-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] Talks 5.20.3 with Nokia N8
From: "Dennis Long" <>
Date: 21/02/2011 7:16 am

Dear Allen:  You may want to be a little more polite and not criticize those 
trying to help you!!!!!!!  I have seen Stephen on many list and he knows a 
lot about all types of phones.  So my point is you asked for help saying you 
don't know to those trying to help you is not gonna help you.    That's just 
my opinion.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Allan" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Talks 5.20.3 with Nokia N8

> Stephen Giggar wrote:
>> The issue with having to mute Talks when going through the ring tones  in 
>> the profiles is probably a phone issue and priority
>> settings for the App. Specific settings with Talks. More then likely 
>> there is a reason it is set like this on the N8. Probably you
>> would totally lose speech if the priority was set to something different. 
>> Rmember this is controled in the App. specific Settings.
> I dont touch anything in app. specific setting at all, it is by default 
> talks installation. furthermore, when i muted talks, the
> ringtones played.
>> I'm not for sure what you are talking about when you say switching 
>> between the home screens and what you are expecting. Are you
>> saying in the program to switch between the home screens the options 
>> aren't read? Or are you saying when you finally switch to the
>> home screen of your selection that information isn't read each and every 
>> time you exit the menu?
> forgive my words, you are not sure is just because you dont have 
> experience with a ^3 device. let me tell you, by default, in S^3
> phones, there're 3 homescreen for keeping shortcuts unlike the old S60 3rd 
> and 5th edition phones only have one homescreen at a
> time. for this case, there's a special middle button appear on the screen 
> for swiching between these 3 homescreens. so, for a
> sighted, they can see the screen changes when pressing this button, but 
> for talks user, you wouldn't realize the screen changes from
> one page to another page.
>> For getting the time, don't you get the Talks selection when you press 
>> the Talks key? This bring up a list of many different
>> things. Also isn't the time there when you explore the screen IE if you 
>> just slide your finger around the sreen? Probably is near
>> the top of the screen. In that case, you don't need a keystroke, after 
>> all it is a touch screen phone!
> 1. this features appear in 5th edition phones, but missing in S^3.
> 2. yes, you can get the time while exploring the screen, but not date.
> 3. it is a very big trouble for someone to get a time/date announcement if 
> each time have to unlock the phone and only touch the
> screen to get the announcement.
>> The number 5 for the Talks power key options, that doesn't sound like a 
>> bug but a suggestion.
>> For the last one, did you try changing some of the Talks settings like 
>> turning off the characters and setting it to speech numbers
>> as digits?
> that is why i said you dont have experience with S^3 phones. if you have 
> experience with iPhone, you will understand what i mean
> here. when exploring the screen while the numbering virtual keypad is 
> open, last time, talks will only announce the number
> corresponding to what you touch, but for now, talks will also announce 
> together with the alpha character as i rote below.
> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.
> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
> --
> Allan (WKF)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Allan" <>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 6:26 PM
> Subject: [Talks] Talks 5.20.3 with Nokia N8
>> Hi all,
>> perhaps not many of you interested to use touchscreen phone, but i know
>> there're people love to use it, especially myself. here i
>> going to share a little bug finding regarding talks 5.2 work together 
>> with
>> nokia n8.
>> 1. profile: must mute talks to hear the ringtones while arrowing the list
>> of tones when use eloquence symthesizer.
>> 2. homescreen: talks does not announce whether it is homescreen1,
>> homescreen2 or homescreen3 while switching between these 3
>> homescreens.
>> 3. homescreen: must ask for a sighted assistant when need to customize or
>> edit application shortcut at the homescreen.
>> 4. talks keystroke: there's no keystroke to read date/time, or perhaps i
>> didnt find it.
>> 5. talks keystroke: it is too clumsy to press talks+power to answer/call
>> and talks+longPower for hang off calls, because the power
>> button too small. it'd be better if it is talks+camera and
>> talks+longCamera respectively.
>> 6. virtual keyboard: while dialing a number on the virtual keyboard, 
>> talks
>> now read the alpha related to key number 2 until number
>> 9, e.g. 2abc, 3def, 4ghi, 5jkl, and etc. but i think it would be better 
>> if
>> talks can read like this:
>> 2ABC
>> 3DEF
>> 4GHI
>> 5JKL
>> 6MNO
>> 7PQRS
>> 8TUV
>> 9WXYZ
>> rather than:
>> 2abc
>> 3def
>> 4ghi
>> 5jkl
>> 6mno
>> 7pqrs
>> 8tuv
>> 9wxyz
>> it's sounded funny to me.
>> that's all for now. if i found any bugs or problems, i will post again.
>> --
>> Allan (WKF)
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