I agree this is perfectly on topic for this list and taking it off line doesn't let everyone on the list benefit from this discussion.


chalt...@gmail.com <mailto:chalt...@gmail.com>


On 2/9/2011 9:12 PM, Paul Hopkins wrote:
Thanks for not taking this off list. Not intending to start a wider
discussion about what should and shouldn't be on list but, i'm
learning about the differences between two possible phone choices
available to me as a talks user and how well or not a new phone works
with talks. Subject and content  relevent here i'd have thought?! :-)
paul h

On 09/02/2011, Saqib<sa...@samobile.net>  wrote:
Hi Eleanor. As far as I can see! It's like the mini but it has plastic
exteria. It has physical call, menu and end keys apose to the mini only
having the call key in a physical presents. You can run Talks on it as
it is a 5th addition phone.
Original message:
Can anyone tell me jif the C6 can be used with Talks?  I understand it is
touch phone but has a slide out keyboard.  Is it similar to the N97 Mini?
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