but the web interface is very accessible on 3rd and 5th edition phones, i using 
it almost everyday. i already successfully download 
many application.


Allan (WKF)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Denise Thompson
To: Talks Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 03:10
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia Internet Radio and Ovistore

I haven't had any luck either. I found it a most
frustrating experience and unless it thinks the
app will work on your phone it won't even give
you a download link. When I did think I was down
loading the app it turned out just to send
another down load link as a text message and I
went round and round accomplishing nothing. I
finally emialed the maker of the app and asked
them to send a copy. It was a free app I was
after so they sent it to me as a message attachment.

At 10:50 AM 2/2/2011, you wrote:
>No the OVI store program isn't useable on
>Symbian 9.1 and 9.2 phones some people say that
>they can use the store on 9.3 phones. But i
>haven't had any luck on my n86. Signed: Stephen
>Giggar Skype: dr-phone. Hardware eventually
>fails, software eventually works. No amount of
>bandwidth can fix poor design. -original
>message- Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia Internet
>Radio and Ovistore From: "Ketan Kothari"
><muktake...@gmail.com> Date: 02/02/2011 12:35 PM
>Hi, Is OVI store accessible?  How can I register
>on Ovi.com?  Are there exciting Apps that we
>could use with talks?  I hope someone will help.
>Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- From:
>"Allan" <em...@nextg.my> To: "Talks Mailing
>List" <talks@talksusers.com> Sent: Wednesday,
>February 02, 2011 11:31 PM Subject: Re: [Talks]
>Nokia Internet Radio and Ovistore You wrote: 1)
>Is it possible to get the .SYS or SYSX
>application file  either downloaded to my PC
>or  downloaded to the external memory card of my
>phone? If yes, how can this be done precisely?
>First of all, the extention for the installer is
>not .sys/.sysx, it is .sis/.sisx. secondly, ovi
>does not allow download apps from a pc, you must
>perform the download from a symbian mobile
>phone. 2) What is the exact process which is
>triggered by clicking the button "Send to
>mobile"?  What are the main steps? Before
>clickin the button, are there requirements to
>fullfill on the mobile? Are all steps accessible
>with Talks? basically, the "send to mobile" is
>for you to send the download link directly to
>your phone via sms, but however i have never get
>this feature work. you dont have editional steps
>prier to download any app to your mobile phone.
>what you need to do is, 1. visit www.ovi.com
>from your mobile phone. 2. you must login before
>you can download apps from ovi, if you does not
>have login ID, please register one. 3. ovi.com
>is capable to detect your phone model and
>suggest proper apps for you to download. when
>you found the app that you are interested, just
>click the download link and it will
>automatically download the app into your phone
>and by default it will be store in your
>memorycard or mess storage memory. 4. finally,
>after the download is successful, the installer
>will launch by itself. HTH. -- Allan (WKF)
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