-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] documents to go
From: "Bernard Hemmings" <li...@bhemmings.net>
Date: 01/08/2011 10:50 PM

It's a pity quick office won't work for you did you get your free upgrade to 
version 6?the phone crashes when talks is off. You cant get into edit mode. My 
phone came with the full version 6.2. I tried 6.0 as well and no luck.
If not and you want the installer send me a message off list and I'll send 
you the installer.  Keep in mind this is the installer for the phones that 
came with a full quickoffice licence.  if you can switch to edit mode you 
have a full copy.
If you are using an older quickoffice  this just might be the problem.  I 
know yesterday you said the phone stops responding after you load a document 
with talks loaded if you can have a sighted person check with out talks 
loaded if you do have the switch to edit option in the softkey1 menu.  I had 
to speak to people at quick office to get this installer as the free upgrade 
would not work online it kept telling me I had to purchase version  6 so 
they sent me the installer attached to an email.
Bernard Hemmings
email: bern...@bhemmings.net
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
Home: 61-02-95841280
Mobile: 61-0412177799

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tasha Raella Chemel" <tashieg...@rcn.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: [Talks] documents to go

> hi, i've pretty much given up on quickoffice. it can open shorter files, 
> but not longer ones. has anyone tried documents to go, or do you have any 
> other suggestions for reading long word docs on the phone?
> i don't want to have to convert to text all the time, plus i need  the 
> find function.
> thanks,
> tasha
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