I'm confused, what do you mean Tweets60 doesn't allow you to go to the links within tweets? I must be missing something, but using instructions posted on this list a while ago, I follow the links in my tweets from time to time.

Here's what I do:
1) I hit the select key to open a tweet.
2) I use Talks followed by the long press of key #2 to set the cursor mode to original. 3) Pressing Options (soft key 1) at this point lets you go into the Tweet submenu. 4) Using the down arrow key now will let you move through the different objects in your tweet. If I press the down arrow once then when I select Options, I'll have the options to follow or remove, at least that's what I see in the example I'm looking at right now. 5) Pressing down arrow a second time takes me to the first link in this message. The options key then allows me to follow the link. 6) I assume I can get to multiple links by pressing the down arrow key multiple times. The example I have in front of me only has one link in it though.


chalt...@gmail.com <mailto:chalt...@gmail.com>


On 12/21/2010 9:56 AM, Ketan Kothari wrote:
Hi Friends,

Presently I am using Twits60 for Nokia phone.  But that client does not allow 
us to go to the links within tweets.  Is there any accessible software that 
does allow this?  Thank you.
Ketan Kothari
Phone: [r] 24223281,
Cell: 9987550614
MSN ID: muktake...@hotmail.com
Skype ID: Ketan3333
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