Well I've just discovered the voice recorder will only work for a few seconds 
unless talks is muted.  If you change the audio priority to two in the talks 
app settings the voice recorder will not work at all.  When I first discovered 
this I had skype running so naturally I closed skype and tried again.  No 
difference, I rebooted the phone still no difference.  I know since one of the 
talks updates voice recorder asks you to wait after being launched and this 
does not change. Well it's even worse than that if talks is in memory muted or 
not the voice recorder won't function properly.  When talks is muted the 
recorder will work as long as you don't press pause if you do it errors out. 
Changing the audio priority makes it worse it won't even record  for a second 
just creates an empty sound clip file.
I was not even trying to record a phone call.  I disabled talks rebooted the 
phone then the voice recorder works as it should.
So currently talks disables phone functionality namely the voice recorder on 
the e72. With the symbol list it still works the symbols are just not spoken 
but with the voice recorder it just won't work with talks loaded running the 
latest e72   firmware.

Bernard Hemmings
email: bern...@bhemmings.net
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
Home: 61-02-95841280
Mobile: 61-0412177799
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