Neil as it now supports ovi maps I wish to trial it and as talks can no loger speak the symbol list on many handsets running the latest firmware makes switching to mobile speak a very strong possibility Do you have a direct link to download the product or can you send it as an attachment. Do they have a sim card licence or only the standard licence? I understand they don't charge to switch mobile speak to a new handset.
Bernard Hemmings
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:28 AM
Subject: [Talks] PR TalkNav Starts Working with Code Factory

Manchester - England, UK.
23rd November 2010

TalkNav is today delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with a long established manufacturer of products for the visually impaired, Code Factory of Spain.

Since 2005 TalkNav has been supplying accessible software for Nokia Symbianphones, excelling in both its approach to customer service and also its focused and client orientated method towards delivery and purchase of its products.

In 2006 TalkNav identified a new market in the commercialisation of accessible GPS technology for Symbian phones and introduced Wayfinder Access to its product range. Since doing so TalkNav has achieved a high level of excellence in the field of its ethical and effective customer experience, in addition to a reputation as a Global centre of knowledge.

In 2010 Vodafone Group Plc, now the owners of Wayfinder announced that theywere shutting down the service and with it, Wayfinder Access. Ultimately this decision has left many blind GPS users without an accessible alternative should they wish to stay with the Symbian operating platform.

TalkNav however did not rest on its laurels, and worked tirelessly to locatesuitable alternative products, and this was discovered on the Windows MobilePlatform as Mobile GEO. This solution is powered by the award winning andinnovative pioneers in the accessible GPS world, Sendero Group.

Mobile Geo is both fully accessible and highly feature rich. Developed by Code Factory in partnership with Sendero for many years, the solution allows for existing Wayfinder Access users to convert to a Windows Mobile device and keep accessibility and GPS navigation on their mobile cellular phone.

TalkNav are proud to announce that they have partnered with Code Factory to become one of its dealers selling the entire Code Factory product range.

TalkNav fully supports and endorses Mobile Geo as both an excellent successor or alternative to Access and also a superb option in the choice of accessible GPS navigation solution.

Furthermore, with the announcement today from Code Factory of the release of Mobile Speak v4.6, we are delighted to be able to offer to our clients who either do not wish to leave the Symbian arena, or who at this stage cannot afford to, an opportunity to utilise Nokia's OVI Maps application found on many models of Symbian devices.

This commitment from Code Factory truly illustrates this company's commitment to offering a range of products to suit all budgets and needs. Whilst OVI Maps is not a fully accessible GPS product in terms of the delivery of data to the user, with Code Factory's release of Mobile Speak v4.6, users can at least benefit from point to point navigation, POI content data bases, and various other important GPS navigation features found in OVI Maps v3.03 and v3.04.

Our staff are ready to discuss the full range of Code Factory products with you today, and to help you choose which solution is right for you.

Best Regards.

Neil Barnfather
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