As stated many times before make sure that blue tooth is turned off if your not using it, make sure that you don't have an active connection such as with wifi or the web browser. These are only a couple of things that could be draining the battery. It is hard to tell what is doing it since everyone uses their phone differently. ----- Original Message ----- From: "austin pinto" <> To: "sunilsangtani" <>; "accessindia" <>; "Talks Mailing List" <>; "The Accessible Phones Discussion List" <>; "Voice Vision." <>; "bhavesh" <>; "access-uk" <> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 8:55 AM Subject: [Talks] a very strange problem with my nokia n79
hi all i just took my phone 5 munths back but im notissing that there is a considrable reduction in phones battery time i tried new battery but no use what must be hapening please help -- created using a dell inspiron mini 10(1012) NETBOOK win7ultimate _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc. _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc.