In the N85 and I assume the N79 this option can be accessed from the main menu screen by pressing soft key1 and arrowing to memory details. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Giggar" <> To: "Talks Mailing List" <> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:30 PM Subject: Re: [Talks] Free up my memory
You can check the memory status screen on your phone to see where the memory is being used. This will give you 10 things about the memory. It will tell you how much your calendar is using, how much your contacts are using, how much your messages are using, and much more. This will then give you some idea where to look to free up memory on your phone. I helped someone just this last weekend who ran out of memory on the phone. They didn't use the phone for anything and didn't know what was going on. By using the memory detail screen, it told me withing a few seconds what was using the memory on the phone. Then i had them go and delete the memory usage files. In there case, they wher pressing the camera button on there phone and taking photos and videos. So this can show you by looking at the memory details can help you find and fix low memory on a drive of your phone. talks will read the memory detail screen. You need to use the up and down arrow to hear each item on this screen. Depending on your phone, this screen may be accessed from the menu of your phone. Just go into the menu of your phone, press option, arrow up to memory details, press right arrow and then arrow to the memory that you want the detail about and press select. Give the phone a few seconds to get the information. Then use your arrow keys to read the screen. Other newer phones like the n85, n86 this may be found in the options when you are in the file manager on the selected drive. Produced on a Nokia N95 smart phone using a Symbian based screen reader. Signed by: Stephen Giggar Skype: dr-phone. Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design -original message- Subject: Re: [Talks] Free up my memory From: "Caleb Eee" <> Date: 20/10/2010 9:33 PM Hello, how about trying to clear your internet browser cash? Caleb Eee (via mobile) -original message- Subject: [Talks] Free up my memory From: "Ramy Moustafa" <> Date: 21/10/2010 1:27 AM hi all: i have nokia e52 here, and i have only 9 Mb free memory on my phone memory, i don't put any videos sounds etc on my phone memory, i put all these things on my memory card, so, how can i know which place that i must delete or clean? i don't want to format my phone,, and if i made the format and then restored my backup, will it bring back all my data? even the unwanted data that causes this problem? Thanks in advance. Cheers Ramy Moustafa _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc. _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc. _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc. _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc.