

I appreciate this is not exactly a Talks question, and hope this won't lead
to a big off-topic debate (much as I would love to participate in one!)


I have a Nokia N8 and Nokia E52 on order due for delivery later this week.
I'm not too concerned about the E5, but I have a couple of questions about
the N8.    I've had a lot answered by a contact within Nokia, but due to
holidays, health issues, etc., I haven't been able to get them all answered
and would like to plug the gaps, so to speak, before the phone arrives.


1. The Nokia N8 ships with Symbian 3.  Will this be backwards compatible
with S60 9.x applications?

2. I was told from within Nokia that there were plans afoot to introduce
Nokia's own screen reader in the near future.  Has anyone heard if this is
actually something that has been implemented in the N8?


For the second question, I've already got hold of the N8 firmware files but
haven't had the time to look into them and check them for myself, hence my


As I said, mail me privately if you don't want to clutter up the list, but
otherwise any additional insight is much appreciated.


Thanks as always for your time.



Have a pleasant day,


Kind Regards and Best Wishes,




Hussein Patwa

Tel: 0789 47 595 62 (UK)

Tel: +44 (0)122 4433 954  (SIP)

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