this is done intentionally as touch screen phones lock the screen from 
accidental key presses from your face while on a call.
Next time you make  a call, lay down the handset a bit in the horizontal 
position before trying to change Talks settings etc.


"Coffee, the finest organic suspension ever devised."
Captain Kathryn Janeway
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eakachai Charoenchaimonkon" <eakachai...@hotmail.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia 5230


Onething that I found really strange is that I can't hear Talk during the
call. How can I use touch-screen phone works under IVR system? I can't
change the mute keypad to be off, as everything seems to be completely

Thanks for blindsea.com. I got ton of knowledge there.

Yours, Eakachai

From: "Stephen Giggar" <sgig...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 4:48 PM
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia 5230

> Chapter 2 covers most of the touch screen information in the Talks manual.
> Chapters 3 and 4 covers the Talks command in general. It will not hurt to
> read the Release note for Talks 5.01.1 as well.
> As stated in the past, learning to use a touch screen is a very big
> learning
> curb. The reason is you are having to learn where things are on the
> screen.
> For the most part, touch screens phones aren't big sellers in the blind
> world. This isn't saying that some people haven't went out and got them,
> This is saying that most people haven't went out and got them and use them
> as there primary phone. I think more people probably have went and gotten
> touch screen phones combined with a keyboard. IE N97* type of models.
> Where
> the phone has a touch screen and a physical keyboard. There is still a
> learning curb for Talks but you can eas the transition a little with the
> keyboard. However everything can't be done from the keyboard.
> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.
> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Eakachai Charoenchaimonkon" <eakachai...@hotmail.com>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia 5230
>> I have the most latest version of Talk installed, but not sure the manual
>> on
>> Talknav does cover the issue on touchscreen or not. Last week, I thought
>> I
>> had reviewed the Talknav manual, but I can't find the section on
>> touchscreen.
>> If you can remember where is the information regarding touchscreen mode
>> of
>> interaction. Please kindly advise where is it on the manual.
>> Sincerely,
>> Eakachai
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Dennis Long" <dennisl1...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 11:29 AM
>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia 5230
>>> Eakachai
>>> i would suggest having the latest version of talks 5.01 and read the
>>> talks
>>> manual.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Eakachai Charoenchaimonkon" <eakachai...@hotmail.com>
>>> To: <talks@talksusers.com>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:10 AM
>>> Subject: [Talks] Nokia 5230
>>> Hello
>>> Finally, I did buy Nokia 5230 yesterday. The price is a little up high,
>>> as
>>> it changes from music express to navigator. The sale person said it can
>>> download map for life-long GPS application, I'm fully understood that
>>> Ovi
>>> map doesn't fuly accesible any way haha.
>>> I spent almost a night trying to use Nokia touchscreen, using prior
>>> skill
>>> of
>>> using IPhone. Just making a call take pretty long time actually. A
>>> problem
>>> I
>>> found myself is that I can't select icon precisingly. I knew what I did
>>> whether right or wrong, but I confuse how to select the audio-tactile
>>> icon
>>> precisingly and accurately.
>>> Question: do I have to make changes or customize any options on the
>>> Nuance
>>> Talks setting panel to support touch screen-based phone? How can I
>>> navigate
>>> from tab to tab? How can I know that I'm in the explore mode or
>>> interactive.
>>> How to answer the call and see the calling contact? And last but not
>>> least
>>> is how to select the object or icon correctly?
>>> I used Nuance Talks more than 6 years. Touchscreen-based phone makes me
>>> confuse how to use. I think what I confuse here may have been shared on
>>> the
>>> list before, though it may be previous questions that have been
>>> addressed.
>>> thank you
>>> Eakachai
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
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>>> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/
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>> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
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>> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/

> _______________________________________________
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> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
> eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/
> and
> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/


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