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non capisco come sia successo!
Il 20/01/20 17:58, ha scritto:
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della lista Talk-it..."
Argomenti del Giorno:
1. Sono (Carlo A. Nicolini)
2. Re: Brainstorming su a che punto è OSM (Martin Koppenhoefer)
3. Re: European Water Project -- Rome April 24th Fountain Hunt
(Cascafico Giovanni)
4. Re: European Water Project -- Rome April 24th Fountain Hunt
(Fra Mauro)
5. Re: European Water Project -- Rome April 24th Fountain Hunt
(European Water Project)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 14:41:41 +0100
From: "Carlo A. Nicolini" <>
Subject: [Talk-it] Sono
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 15:06:55 +0100
From: Martin Koppenhoefer <>
To: openstreetmap list - italiano <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Brainstorming su a che punto è OSM
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Am Do., 16. Jan. 2020 um 13:14 Uhr schrieb Francesco Ansanelli <>:
Aggiungerei ancora che wiki non è il "metodo" migliore per gestire la
documentazione tecnica dei tag in quanto troppo facilmente si incappa nel
disallineamento tra pagine in lingua (e non). Ognuno immagino vorrebbe ogni
tag localizzato nella propria lingua, ma per un progetto così grande non
sembra possibile con il metodo attualmente in vigore. Ci si dovrebbe
appoggiare ad uno strumento esterno per tradurre le singole frasi e usare
una pagina comune in inglese per i testi. Qualcuno potrebbe argomentare che
i contenuti in lingua es. IT:Indirizzi sono per gli italiani, ma in realtà
essendo per l'Italia andrebbero comunque (e a maggior ragione) tradotti in
altre lingue.
infatti, le pagine IT:... sono in Italiano, non sono per l'Italia (anche se
la differenza in questo caso forse non è molto grande).
Gli strumenti esterni hanno in generale il problema che non sono
controllati da noi.
Le traduzioni di questo tipo di testo (definizioni dei tag) non è banale, e
facciamo bene farlo fare da chi capisce il tema/contenuto.
Attualmente c'è "una prova"/un tentativo per un strumento per uniformare
meglio la documentazione (gli oggetti del wikidata OSM che populanno gli
infobox dei tags) ed è stato pesantemente criticato perché rende più
difficile la modifica delle informazioni (è escludente).
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 17:07:01 +0100
From: Cascafico Giovanni <>
To: openstreetmap list - italiano <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] European Water Project -- Rome April 24th
Fountain Hunt
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Il lun 20 gen 2020, 13:11 European Water Project <
Yes, a one-click interface would be amazing if it were developed and we
would happily change our workflow to integrate this module. We might even
try to do this ourselves one day.
There are already several survey apps out there, ready to go on field. IMHO
geopaparazzi could easily be fitted in such a project. I wrote some notes
[1] about its customization.
I would be concerned about data integrity with an automated and anonymous
process for OSM data imports and maybe we could create an intermediate
database with a validation method before OSM import ?
Such a database can be a OSM file and its validation/conflation can be
accomplished via JOSM, a comprehensive editor for openstreetmap xml files.
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 17:43:49 +0100
From: Fra Mauro <>
To: openstreetmap list - italiano <>,
European Water Project <>,
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] European Water Project -- Rome April 24th
Fountain Hunt
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Maybe you could distribute your app also via F-Droid (
The app has to be open source and respect some conditions. Yet being there
would increase the visibility and make easier for the users to install / update.
Il 19 Gennaio 2020 18:54:39 CET, European Water Project
<> ha scritto:
To whom it may concern,
Sorry I can't write in Italian.
We recently created a small Geneva based NGO called European Water
which has a mission to contribute to reducing single use plastic-waste
at a
global level.
Our project is 100% open data, collaborative and a bit experimental.
have developed a map based Progressive Web Application available in 8
languages (including Italian) which allows one to locate the nearest
points. You will be able to fill your water bottle and drink for free,
without generating disposable plastic waste. We are starting with
fountains, but will branch out to cafés, bars and restaurants willing
refill reusable water bottles for free.
At European Water Project, we believe that everyone should have the
to drink water wherever they are without creating single use waste
This Progressive Web App, available in 8 languages, was purposefully
developed outside the Google / Apple store. You can download it here,
if of
interest, on your desktop or
telephone’s browser (Safari for IOS).
With the help of Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap Spain, France and
and a bunch of friends we have developed instructions for adding photos
into Wikimedia Commons and new fountains into OpenStreetMap in 8
The reason I am writing you is that with the foundation, we
organizing a drinking fountain hunt in late April in Rome and wanted to
know if anyone on the ground might want to participate - and help out.
idea is to add photos of drinking fountains to Wikimedia Commons and
them to either existing fountains already present in OpenStreetMap and
with their photos any missing modern fountains
or older fountains ("amenity=fountain && drinking_water=yes") to
Best regards,¨
Talk-it mailing list