To whom it may concern, Sorry I can't write in Italian.
We recently created a small Geneva based NGO called European Water Project which has a mission to contribute to reducing single use plastic-waste at a global level. Our project is 100% open data, collaborative and a bit experimental. We have developed a map based Progressive Web Application available in 8 languages (including Italian) which allows one to locate the nearest water points. You will be able to fill your water bottle and drink for free, without generating disposable plastic waste. We are starting with drinking fountains, but will branch out to cafés, bars and restaurants willing to refill reusable water bottles for free. At European Water Project, we believe that everyone should have the ability to drink water wherever they are without creating single use waste plastic. This Progressive Web App, available in 8 languages, was purposefully developed outside the Google / Apple store. You can download it here, if of interest, on your desktop or telephone’s browser (Safari for IOS). With the help of Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap Spain, France and Switzerland and a bunch of friends we have developed instructions for adding photos into Wikimedia Commons and new fountains into OpenStreetMap in 8 languages The reason I am writing you is that with the foundation, we are organizing a drinking fountain hunt in late April in Rome and wanted to know if anyone on the ground might want to participate - and help out. The idea is to add photos of drinking fountains to Wikimedia Commons and link them to either existing fountains already present in OpenStreetMap and add with their photos any missing modern fountains ("amenity=drinking_water") or older fountains ("amenity=fountain && drinking_water=yes") to OpenStreetMap. Best regards,¨ Stuart
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