Hi Giorgio,

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:06 AM, Giorgio Limonta <
giorgio.limont...@gmail.com> wrote:

> * A bell tower has one tag "man_made:part=tower" which is not documented.
>> You should use two building:part tags.
> * You should also add building=yes to bell towers.
> done thanks

You removed the building:part tags. It's fine for me but you had the data
about them.

* There is one building with only one building:part=residential tag (there
>> should be more than one).
>> * In this same building the entrance part of the house is tagged as a
>> separate building.
The building outline (the one with the building tag) is now fine. But one
of the building:part - the one with another building part inside - must be
a multi polygon.

This problem is also present in Chiesa della Beata Vergine: one of the
building:part must be a multi polygon and not an area because it has
another building:part inside.

> *The previous example is not the only one where a part of a single
>> building is tagged as different building.
> I made a general check of all the buildings, please review them.

Looking with sat images it seems you forgot (I maybe wrong because I can't
see original data and I cannot verify on site):
-50470 (the first building on the left in Via San Remigio, going into


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