Ho fatto un feed su xively che prende i dati di un idrometro sul Tevere 

ho impostato un trigger che invia un tweet da @bikesontiber quando il livello 
supera una certa soglia che causa l'allagamento della pista ciclabile sulla 
sponda. Gli alert possono essere mandati anche via mail etc. tramite Zapier.com

On lun 16 dic 2013 12:05:31 CET, Piergiorgio Cipriano <pg.cipri...@gmail.com> 

> Qualche settimana fa, dopo il disastro capitato in Sardegna, ho avuto
> qualche scambio di mail e tweet sulla questione "sistema di allerta".
> Come dicevo, in UK oltre ai meccanismi formali hanno messo online un
> sistema di alert via sms, email e account FB.
> Qui sotto inoltro un esempio di allerta appena ricevuto (mi ero
> registrato tempo fa sulla versione iniziale, sviluppata da Shoothill, e
> avevo indicato un indirizzo UK a caso).
> Unico neo: la webapp sviluppata da Shoothill è proprietaria.
> Ma il vero valore aggiunto sono i dati dell'Agenzia Ambientale UK,   da
> sensori ed elaborati ogni 15 minuti per produrre aree di possibile
> esondazione.
> pg
> ---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
> Da: <no-reply-floodale...@shoothill.com>
> Data: 16/dic/2013 10:51
> Oggetto: Shoothill FloodAlerts. You have: 1 new notification
> A: <pg.cipri...@gmail.com>
> Cc:
>     [image: FloodAlerts]
> This is an official e-mail notification from FloodAlerts. FloodAlerts is
> a verified application created and maintained by Shoothill Ltd licensed
> by the Environment Agency, to provide users in England and Wales with
> flood warnings.
> *Current notifications issued within your monitored location:*
>   [image: You have a flood alert active in your location. Please read
> below for more details.]
> River Axe Area
> Flooding is possible this morning. Up to 20 mm of rain has fallen over
> East Devon in the last 24 hours. Further outbreaks of rain and showers
> are forecast through the day with a further 7 to 15 mm possible. River
> levels at Weycroft Bridge have risen and reached flood alert criteria.
> Flooding may already be affecting low lying land and roads
> To view this alert, visit FloodAlerts <http://www.shoothill.com/FloodMap>
> [image: View this Flood
> Alert]<http://www.shoothill.com/FloodMap?id=2853837>
>   What to do now?
>       - Visit FloodAlerts <http://www.shoothill.com/floodmap> to check on
>       alerts near your location. Remember to check your location and radius
> are     up to date.
>       - After a flood alert or warning has been issued, listen to local
> radio     for updates or call *Floodline on 0845 988 1188*.
>       - *Warning No Longer In Force?* This means no further flooding is
>       currently expected in your area. However, be careful, Flood water may
> still     be around for several days.
> Visit the Environment Agency
> Website<http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/default.aspx>for
> more details and tips on what to do.
> Environment Agency Floodline 0845 988 1188
> Copyright © 2012 - 2013 Shoothill - www.shoothill.com/floodmap
> Manage your alert notifications and settings in the Advanced Settings
> section of My Location on FloodAlerts. If you don't know why you're
> receiving this e-mail, please contact us at floodale...@shoothill.com.

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