Dear members of the ML!

Since I'm new on the list, let me introduce myself first: my name is Kay, I've been contributing to OSM for some time now as user kfj:

I am german, but I spend much time in the Piedmont, and this is where I do my mapping. My italian is clumsy, so I write in english.

I have created a GPS vector map of the Piedmont. The map is intended mainly for hiking and similar outdoor activities; I have also found it useful for mapping. It is a synopsis of the CTRN vettoriale 1:10.000 (1991-2005) and OSM data. It's in garmin image format and runs on my etrex vista hcx, but it should also run on other GPS units using the same data format. The map is currently at beta stage, so I have decided to offer it to a limited audience for evaluation. While I have processed the whole area covered by the CTRN, I have also made a smaller map of just the northern tip of the piemontese territory. This smaller section may serve to establish that the map will function on your side - the complete map weighs in at some 300MB, so the amount of traffic needed just to find out it doesn't work for you after all would be a waste of resources. You can find the sample map here:

and the complete map here:

These files are zip-compressed folders containing the map (in garmin.img format; I trust you know what to do with such a file) plus a README and some files picked from the CTRN data.

If you just want to know more about the technicalities of the map, you can download the README file separately from here:

I release the maps under CC-BY-NC-SA license, see

I'd appreciate comments - especially concerning the usability on various GPS devices and also of grave problems with the maps, but I can't promise to fix reported bugs as my resources are limited.

The technical details can be found in the README accompanying the map. So far I haven't published my own tool chain - a set of shell scripts and the various styles and TYP file. I intend to do so eventually, to allow interested parties to emulate and improve my work, but I'd prefer to have some feedback first.

This mail was initially sent to talk-it-piemonte, where it was suggested that it should be posted to talk-it as well.

I've had the first reports coming in already, and one piece of good news is that the map runs on the c62 as well. A word of caution: if you install the full map after the sample map, you'll have to delete the sample. Both together won't work, I assume this is because I used the same product ID for both. On the etrex which can't handle multiple maps this isn't an issue. Eventually the sample map will be taken offline.

Kay F. Jahnke

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