-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: Hoping you can point me in the right direction.
Date:   Mon, 11 Apr 2011 17:58:25 -0700
From:   Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com>
To:     t...@openstreetmap.org

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Hoping you can point me in the right direction.
Date:   Tue, 12 Apr 2011 11:00:51 +1000
From:   R Lynch <r.ly...@ddsnsw.com.au>
To:     Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com>

Sorry yes thank you

Sent from my iPhone

On 12/04/2011, at 8:10 AM, Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com <mailto:st...@asklater.com>> wrote:

you mailed the OSMF board which isn't set up or designed to help with what you want, we have mailing lists with people who can help you though, so I'm offering to connect you to them

On 4/11/2011 3:11 PM, R Lynch wrote:

Sorry im lost, What do you mean mailing list?


Sent from my iPhone

On 12/04/2011, at 7:40 AM, Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com <mailto:st...@asklater.com>> wrote:


Can I forward this to our mailing lists?


On 4/10/2011 7:44 PM, Robert Lynch wrote:

Hi Steve,

My name is Robert Lynch and I am the owner of a few small transport companies in Australia. Over the past 12 months I have been building a new transport, logistics and recruitment software to Launch in Australia. As part of this software we are looking for routing solutions and direct guidance for the drivers and a few other unique developments for this industry.

Currently there is nothing like this in the market place and can be quickly replicated for other areas around the world.

What i would like to do is speak with someone to see how we can partner up through a Joint venture or any other means.

I hope to hear from you soon

*_Robert F. Lynch_*

*Head office:   1300 400 450*

*Direct line:      (02) 8093-1207*

*Fax:                    (02) 8093-1243*

*Mobile:            0403 753 371*



We now do Point-to-Point in Sydney:

*www.dynamicexpress.com.au;* <http://www.a-p-m.com.au/>

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