
Il y a des analyses osmose qui alertent déjà, d'après ce que je comprends :


Le 20/03/2020 à 12:18, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :

Je partage avec vous ce message de la liste CrisisMappers, qui se réactive face à la crise du coronavirus, après plusieurs années de fonctionnement au ralenti. (Depuis la grande époque du « pic » de la réponse à la crise du tremblement de terre de 2010 en Haïti…)

Il contient plusieurs idées pertinentes.

Dont une que peut prendre en charge la communauté OSM France pour le territoire national : s’assurer que les lieux très sensibles face au COVID-19 que sont les maisons de retraites et les EHPAD sont bien, et exhaustivement, cartographiés dans OSM (en Italie, certaines maisons de retraite ont déjà perdu plus de 80 % de leurs pensionnaires…) Ces données peuvent en parallèle servir de base à des cartes dynamiques, par exemple sur le risque d’exposition ou les mesures de protection.

(Et j’ai bien vu aussi le thème des services de réanimation, et peut-être plus largement des capacités du système de santé, proposé par Donat. Un thème n’exclut pas l’autre, et il y a certainement assez de monde sur cette liste pour améliorer la cartographie de plusieurs thèmes sensibles en parallèle. D’autres suggestions judicieuses seraient d’ailleurs aussi les bienvenues. Et chacun·e pourra choisir le thème sur lequel elle ou il se sent le plus à même de contribuer le plus utilement, et le plus efficacement, en priorité.)

Prenez bien soin de vous, et des autres si vous le pouvez.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         Re: [CrisisMappers] Re: COVID-19 Response
Date :  Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:32:47 +0200
De :    Giedrius K <>
Répondre à :
Pour :

I see that focus of the talk/discussion is the COVID-19 Response in United States, right? China, where society in most of the cases listens, what the government says, while Europe, United States and other western countries are more liberal and experience some issues now. Liberal - I mean that they are not forced to stay in quarantine, they are asked, but not forced. Thus our all elderly depends on infected, if they will obey the rules or not.

Viewing from First-Responders (Crisis Mappers), I think the best approach in that case would be:

1. Develop a solution, which would help healthcare to monitor quarantined people at home (not enough places in hospital)  via technologies (Mobile phones, forms filled everyday, mapping solutions for local healthcare experts).

2. Map/assess elderly distribution (especially lonely);

3. Develop a solution which would enable volunteers to take care (buy food, inform healthcare if their health is deteriorating)  of elderly (if not infected relatives cannot).

4. Especially take care of elderly homes - map the Elderly homes and their measures to fight COVID-19. In Italy in some of the elderly homes lost already more than 80% of their patients.

5. Establish a solution, which would use available workforce to help medical staff to deal with non-medical tasks.

This is all what comes to my mind now.



On 2020-03-18 22:49, Beth wrote:
Hi all:

I am working with a group of interdisciplinary researchers (geographers, epidemiologist etc) who want to donate time to map key data that is not yet used or available to the public.

We don't want to replicate other efforts. If you know of things going on let me know or add it to this spreadsheet. Feel free to send it around!

and let me know if you want to get involved- is my email


On Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 1:59:02 PM UTC-4, John Crowley wrote:


    It has been a long while since I last posted. Today, we are facing
    an unprecedented humanitarian emergency with COVID-19. We are
    going to need each other to get through the coming storm.

    There is more data than ever, and with that flow, more
    responsibility for making sense of what the WHO is calling an
    'infodemic' alongside the pandemic.

    Could we get a roll call of who is working information management
    modeling, data management, and other elements of crisis mapping
    for this response?

    I am currently at NetHope as Director of Information Management
    and Crisis Informatics. We are in planning stage and looking at
    the best ways to assist the 58 NGOs who are under the NetHope
    network, likely to be around supply chains, sharing practices, and

    Looking forward to being in touch with you all again,



    John Crowley <> <>
    mobile: +1 617.784.3663
    skype: johnrcrowley

    “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that
    created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” -- Albert Einstein

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