Le 01/12/2018 à 13:19, Christine Karch a écrit :
> Voilà les opinions des candidates:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/AGM18/Election_to_Board/Answers_and_manifestos
> _______________________________________________

Avec un résumé des points clés, des informations complémentaires et des
commentaires par Christoph Hormann, qui encourage le partage d’autres
lectures des présentations des candidats :


Bien cordialement,


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         Re: [Osmf-talk] OSMF Board election 2018 - candidate answers
and manifestos ready
Date :  Sun, 2 Dec 2018 18:39:51 +0100
De :    Christoph Hormann <chris_horm...@gmx.de>
Pour :  osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org

On Saturday 01 December 2018, Michael Collinson wrote:
> Barring any tweaks for typos that I have made, the answers and
> manifestos are now available at:
> [...]

Thanks for managing this and thanks to the candidates for their work in
presenting themselves and answering the questions.

This is a lot of material to work through and to simplify this for me i
produced a summary of the key points i read in the candidates' answers
and manifestos. In addition i put together some further research from
publicly available sources. This is available here:


Although this does not really aim to communicate an opinion on the
candidates - i try to describe the positions of the candidates rather
than to judge them - this is of course not meant to be in any way an
objective summary of the positions. I none the less thought it might be
interesting for others to read and it might also be useful for
candidates because there are comments pointing to answers that i
perceive as strange and ambiguous. I would welcome any clarifying
statements - here, as comment to my diary entry or on the wiki talk page.

I would also encourage others to present their own reading of the
presentations of the candidates - because it is very valuable to learn
how different people have different perspectives on the same matter.
With the large spectrum of cultural backgrounds of the candidates this
would help developing a clear picture of everyone and make a fact based
decision in the election.

Christoph Hormann

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