If it makes anyone feel any better, I'm also scared (and embarrassed!) by
my French skills!! I can sort of read signs, but that's about it :(

I'll be staying in Montmatre, but in general I'm pretty comfortable with
public transit, so I can go wherever the metro will take me.

Thanks for your response!

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Pieren <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kathleen,
> I forwarded your request to some known participants in Paris meet-ups.
> But they are perhaps impressed (or scared) by your French speaking
> skills ;-)
> For those who are not, the date should be between Nov 13-17 .
> Enjoy your trip to Paris,
> Pieren
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Kathleen Danielson
> <kathleen.daniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Bonjour!
> >
> > [Very rough Google translation to French below]
> >
> > Sorry to burst into the conversation here (and especially sorry to do so
> in
> > English!), but I organize the Geo DC meetups in Washington, DC. I am
> going
> > to be in Paris for vacation on Nov 13-17 and I was wondering if those
> dates
> > might overlap with any chances to socialize? I'm very new to OSM, but I
> just
> > attended State of the Map US a few weeks ago, and I'm excited to learn
> more
> > and meet more of this really interesting community.
> >
> > I was wondering if there were any OSM meetups or mapping parties planned
> in
> > Paris during that time. If not, would any OSM enthusiasts be interested
> in
> > getting a drink in Paris and talking about maps?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kathleen
> >
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