Je signale, par exemple, aux habitants de Kanaky-Nelle-Calédonie (private joke 
pour henryk ;-) ), qu'un débat très pointu sur les langues polynésiennes se 
déroule actuellement sur la liste OSM anglophone.
Tahiti, les Marquises et Touamotou sont aussi concernées, car on y parle de la 
manière d'indexer leurs langues dans OSM.

Y-a-t'il quelqu'un pour compléter la page du wiki : ?

J'apprends donc qu'il y a une Académie tahitienne, créée en 1972, par la 
République française et soutenue par le gouvernement autonome de la Polynésie 
Nous en, Bretagne, nous n'avons qu'un Office public de la Langue bretonne, 
financé principalement par la Région et les départements.

Christian Rogel

Un post caractéristique :
:       LIVINE Christin <>
        Objet :         Rép : [OSM-talk] I would like to add names in languages 
of French Polynesia. How to do ?
        Date :  12 septembre 2012 19:26:31 HAEC
        À :     Tom Hughes <>
        Cc :

Whao, interesting answers from everyone. I learned many things.
I've never thought that IETF are interested by languages in the world, and that 
IANA have a database of languages.
It removes my doubts on translation projects for other softwares (OpenOffice / 
LibreOffice, spellcheker ...).

Le 11/09/2012 23:14, Tom Hughes a écrit :
>> - Tahitian. ISO 639-1:
>> ty. ISO 639-2: tah. ISO 639-3: tah.
>> Personnally, I prefer use tah from ISO 639-3, but can I arbitrarily use
>> ISO 639-3 instead of ISO 639-1 ?
> I would have thought it was generally better to use the two letter tag
> from ISO 639-1 where one exists and only use the three letter tag when
> that is actually necessary.
> What is your reason for preferring the 639-3 three letter tag?

Because, the others tags have three letters. And tah is more easy to remember 
than ty.
But I understand that with so many letters, not everyone can be satisfied.
I'll use the two letters tag ty.

>> Until recently, historically, because of religious influences, there
>> were two ways of writing tahitian language :
>> - one from protestants
>> (,
>> - one from catholics which could be the standard
>> (
>> How to differentiate the two writing systems ?
> Are there not script subtags or something that will differentiate
> between these? There usually are where multiple orthographies exist for
> a language.

To my knowledge, in French Polynesia, there is nothing official about the 
distinction between these two systems of writing, only the writing of the Bible.
For almost 20 years, there is an institution for the Tahitian language (Fare 
Vāna'a, Académie tahitienne, it uses the Catholic 
writing. But I do not know about his influence in education in Protestant 
I'll look for informations from these two institutions. 
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