Pour info... Romain
---------- Message transféré ---------- De : Cécile Bothorel <cecile.botho...@telecom-bretagne.eu> Date : 25 janvier 2012 17:27 Objet : [OSM-talk-fr-bzh] Fwd: [liste-egc] CfP: 1st Int. Workshop on Open Data -- May, 25 2012 - Nantes, France À : Roll Breizhad OSM <talk-fr-...@openstreetmap.org> Bonjour, Les chercheurs organisent un workshop sur la thématiques de open data. Probablement très intéressant en termes de challenges techniques. Cécile -------- Message original -------- Sujet: [liste-egc] CfP: 1st Int. Workshop on Open Data -- May, 25 2012 - Nantes, France Date : Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:37:06 +0100 De : Marc Gelgon <marc.gel...@univ-nantes.fr><marc.gel...@univ-nantes.fr> Répondre à : Marc Gelgon <marc.gel...@univ-nantes.fr> <marc.gel...@univ-nantes.fr> Pour : liste-...@polytech.univ-nantes.fr CALL FOR PAPERS First International Workshop on Open Data (WOD-2012) May 25, 2012 - Nantes, France http://sites.google.com/site/opendata2012/ *** Submission Deadline --- February 29, 2012 *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While being most commonly known from the recent Linked Open Data movement, the concept of publishing data explicitly as Open Data has meanwhile developed many variants and facets that go beyond publishing large and highly structured RDF/S repositories. Open Data comprises text and semi-structured data, but also open multi-modal contents, including music, images, and videos. With the increasing amount of data that is published by governments (see, e.g., data.gov, data.gov.uk or data.gouv.fr), by international organizations (data.worldbank.org or data.undp.org) and by scientific communities (tdar.org, cds.u-strasbg.fr, GenBank, IRIS or KNB) explicitly under an Open Data policy, new challenges arise not only due to the scale at which this data becomes available. A number of community-based conferences accommodate tracks or workshops which are dedicated to Open Data. However, WOD aims to be a premier venue to gather researchers and practitioners who are contributing to and interested in the emerging field of managing Open Data. Hence, it is a unique opportunity to find in a single place up-to-date scientific works on Web-scale Open Data issues that have so far only partially been addressed by different research communities such as Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Distributed Systems, Data Privacy, and Data Visualization. The 1st International Workshop on Open Data (WOD) is one of the very first events that stresses new and exciting challenges offered by the emerging field of Open Data. It aims at facilitating new trends and ideas from a broad range of topics concerned within the widely-spread Open Data movement. TOPICS OF INTEREST ------------------------------ Provided that Open Data is at the heart of the submission, topics of interest for WOD-2012 include, but are not limited to: - Big Data Management - Data Management in the Cloud - Web Data Integration - Linked Data and the Semantic Web - Data Science and Data Analytics - Social Web - Data Privacy - Data Visualization - Data Curation - Data Provenance Every submission that jointly covers one or several of the above topics is warmly encouraged. The content of submissions is expected to meet the standards of international conferences and workshops. Vision and position papers are specifically welcome. PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION ----------------------------- Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Papers submitted cannot exceed six letter-size (8.5" X 11") pages in length, including all references and appendices. Manuscripts are limited to 6 pages, single spacing, double column, and must strictly adhere to the template format. Guidelines on paper submission and formatting are available at http://sites.google.com/site/opendata2012/. Accepted papers will appear in an ePrint arXiv proceedings volume with Open Access. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present his/her work at the workshop. Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for possible publication as special issue of a general-purpose journal (e.g. ACM Trans. on the Web or IEEE TKDE), or will be compiled into a formal post-proceedings volume (with a unique ISBN assigned to it) from a Springer-like publisher. IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------ Submissions due on Feb 29, 2012 (6PM GMT) Notifications out on Apr 6, 2012 Camera-ready due on Apr 22, 2012 Workshop on May 25, 2012 PROGRAM COMMITTEE (confirmed so far) ------------------------------- Omar Alonso, Microsoft Research Sihem Amer-Yahia, QCRI and CNRS Sören Auer, Univ. Leipzig Jean-Daniel Fekete, Inria David Gross-Amblard, Univ. of Rennes Frank van Ham, IBM Katja Hose, MMCI/Saarland University Georgia Koutrika, IBM Ioana Manolescu, Inria Sebastian Michel, MMCI/Saarland University Felix Nauman, Hasso Plattner Institute Mathias Niepert, Univ. of Mannheim Josiane Xavier Parreira, DERI Guillaume Raschia, Univ. of Nantes Philippe Rigaux, CNAM François Scharffe, LIRMM Ralf Schenkel, MMC/Saarland University Alkis Simitsis, HP Labs Fabian Suchanek, Max Planck Institute Martin Theobald, Max Planck Institute (chair) Patrick Valduriez, Inria MORE INFO ------------------------------- For further information on WOD-2012, please visit the workshop website http://sites.google.com/site/opendata2012/ or contact the workshop general chair at guillaume [dot] raschia [at] univ-nantes [dot] fr _______________________________________________ Talk-fr-bzh mailing list talk-fr-...@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr-bzh
------------------------------------------ Association Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances Site Web : <a href="http://www.egc.asso.fr/">www.egc.asso.fr</a> Le Modérateur, Fabrice Guillet
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