Ca y est!
La course au SOTM 2010 vient d'etre officiellement ouverte.  Le lien est
le suivant:

Emilie Laffray
--- Begin Message ---
State of the Map 2009 is now several months behind us. Thanks to all the 
people who where there (either in person or virtual) we can look back on 
three awesome days. It showed what a wonderfull bunch of people we are!

It's time to think about the next State of the Map, SotM10.  During the 
last conference there have been an informal vote on the location of next 
years event. Several places where mentioned including the ranch of 
former president George Bush or a Lidl supermarket. We apparently do not 
only want our data "to be used in unexpected ways" but also want to have 
our conference at unexpected locations!

Now it's time to work on the next location/venue of the State of the 
Map. Do you want to have this international conference in your favorite 
country/city? Let's hear it!

The call for bids is now open at


Henk Hoff
State of the Map 2010

talk mailing list

--- End Message ---

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