
Ils sont en train de discuter de la création des local chapters. Ils
risquent d'avoir besoin de monde pour traduire pour les différentes
communautés du monde.
La fondation aimerait créer des chapitres locaux maintenant dans tous
les pays. Je pense que l'existence ou non d'un chapitre est quelque
chose d'intéressant a discuter. Toutefois, bien qu'ils s'agissent de
discussion préliminaire, je ne suis pas sure que le mois d'août soit le
plus propice pour avoir une grande participation.

Emilie Laffray
--- Begin Message ---
We just held the first of a new program of Local Chapters meetings.  You can
find minutes here [1] along with information about the next meeting.

The next meeting is proposed for the 24th August at 18.00 - 19:30 BST.  I
know this is not great for a lot of people who are in non-BST friendly time
zones, so if you can't make it but would like to, please add your name to
the wiki so we can have a second call at a better time.

For the next meeting, it would be good to go through all of the comments
from the Local Chapters wiki page - so if you have added a comment and would
like to discuss it further, please come and join in the call.

I know its hard for non native English speakers to follow long meetings on
phone calls and that text based meetings are better for some.  A good
compromise could be for someone from each of the local communities to
volunteer to transcribe onto a local IRC channel and to push any questions
to the main IRC, where we can try to answer questions as they come up.  This
is my best idea for making the process as inclusive as possible - if you
have a better idea, please let me know :-)

One of the goals of the meeting next week will be to set a timetable for
getting local chapters set up, which will be largely dependent on how much
we all agree / disagree in the call.  Until then, please read over the Local
Chapters wiki page and add as many comments or ideas as possible, so we can
discuss next week.



[1] -

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <
> wrote:

> 2009/8/14 Jochen Topf <>:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I don't mind if anybody wants to have a phone conversation on things.
> Just keep
> > in mind that most interested people will not be on that phone call and
> that all
> > the discussions have to be repeated on this list or on the wiki for the
> benefit
> > of those of us not on the call.
> yes. I think to discuss in a written form has a lot of advantage
> respect to a phone-conference. (searchable, re-readable, not dependant
> on specific temporal availability of contributors and time-zones, less
> ad-hoc and therefore (sometimes) more reflected, less
> band-width-dependant, less dependant on language-skills, ...), so in a
> global project I'd prefer a written discussion.
> cheers,
> Martin

Nick Black
talk mailing list

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