2008/8/5 Delalande Jocelyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Andy, and first of all, thanks for this layer :)

You're welcome.

>> Il y a déjà 20Gigabytes des images, donc il n'y a pas des images pour
>> tous les niveaux autour de monde (ca ferait ~1.7Terabytes ensemble).
>> Si vous voulais des plus grands niveaux de zoom à quelque ville,
>> écrire-moi. Je fais Paris à z15 maintenant.
> I (and others, I guess) would appreciate to have "Caen" (France) city
> rendered at higher zooms than 13.
> http://www.gravitystorm.co.uk/osm/?zoom=12&lat=6302645.5491&lon=-40053.63326&layers=B00
> Thanks, keep up the good work !

I've added Caen to the control file, and the tiles should show up
later in the week after the next rendering pass (hopefully on Thursday


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