It is my understanding, from the Wiki at 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bicycle, that "bicycles=yes" means that 
bicycles are permitted, but says nothing about the ease of riding one there. 
It is "bicycles=yes" and not "bicycles=designated" because, for a bridleway   
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dbridleway"Cyclists also have 
a right, unless the local authority makes orders to the contrary.... ...The 
local authority is not obliged to ensure suitability for bicycles, unlike for 
foot or horse users."#
BTW you can still carry (or push) a bicycle, even where the way is tagged 
"bicycle=no".  (from the wiki again) "bicycle / no / Where bicycles are not 
permitted, ensure this is indicated. Note that carrying or pushing bicycles may 
be still accepted".
So, thanks for asking, but I remain happy with "highway=steps"; "bicycle=yes"
 Peter Neale 
t: 01908 309666 
m: 07968 341930

    On Monday, 29 April 2024 at 07:35:48 BST, Jens Glad Balchen via Tagging 
<tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:  
    Generally speaking, how do we reconcile these two?
 bicycle=yes highway=steps
 What is a data consumer supposed to infer from this as opposed to just 
highway=steps? As long as foot=designated, aren't cyclists always allowed to 
get off the bike and push/carry it? And wouldn't they have to when there are 
 On 28/04/2024 21:35, Peter Neale via Tagging wrote:
  Hi DaveF, 
  Acting on advice, I have already split the Bridleway and re-tagged 2 sections 
    bicycle=yes designation=public_bridleway foot=designated highway=steps 
horse=designated incline=down  (or up) lit=no surface=paved
  The steps can be seen on aerial imagery (a bit fuzzy on Bing, but 
particularly clear in the aerial imagery whose name shall not be mentioned in 
OSM), plus I remember running through there a few  months ago, so I know that 
the steps are there.   I intend to visit again soon and add more detail (number 
of steps, etc.) 
  Between these is a section of the orignal way, which is now 
  I hope this helps and that you agree with the tagging.
     Regards, Peter 
      On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 17:35:58 BST, Dave F via Tagging 
<tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:  
     Could you provide the link to the OSM way please?
  On 28/04/2024 15:19, Peter Neale via Tagging wrote:
  Advice, please. 
  A local Public Bridleway has a few (3, 4 or 5 from Aerial imagery) steps 
going down before it passes under a road bridge, and a similar number up again 
on the other side. 
  How can I best tag this?  According to the wiki, "highway=steps" seems to be 
*an alternative to*, not *a qualification of * "highway=bridleway". I don't 
want to mislead consumers by breaking the bridleway, but I don't want cycling 
consumers to be unaware of the fact that there are a few steps to descend / 
ascend, which may require a dismount. 
    Regards, Peter 
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