Very well. What is a minimum requirement for a sparsely populated island
with unpaved streets and roads to get its first highway=tertiary? A pair of
hamlets? A single large town? How large?

On Thu, 25 Apr 2024, 14:46 Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging, <> wrote:

> Apr 25, 2024, 16:16 by
> I also think that such changes also imply corrections to the following
> section regarding how importance is to be assessed by mappers:
> Particularly this sentence:
> "In a region with poor infrastructure, a road of highest importance,
> forming the main road network there, should be highway=trunk,
> regardless of being a high-quality wide asphalt road or a low-quality
> narrow track worse than highway=service in other regions."
> The consensus here seems not aligned with this. This section also
> references the following proposal:
> Whose summary says:
> "the general definition of highway=* should be changed to importance
> for the road grid (hierarchical position in the interconnecting
> network) instead of physical attributes"
> What is missing is a statement about whether one starts judging such
> networks by importance from the top (trunk downwards) or from the
> bottom (tertiary upwards).
> Antarctica has no real road network so missing top levels of road classes
> is fine.
> It is also missing roads between major large cities because it has no
> major large cities.
> If very big island has no roads at all except single small road between
> two houses it does not mean it is highway=trunk road.
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