Hi there,

I’d like to propose the deprecation of the  
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway=facility> tag, in agreement 
with one of the tag’s „inventors“, @rurseekatze.

Please send your comments as a reply to this email or (preferably) as a reply 
to @rurseekatze’s comment 
<https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/railway-station-as-an-area/104839/84> on 
the Community Forum where he elaborates on the reasons for the deprecation:

> I would suggest abolishing railway=facility. We (mainly Nakaner and I) 
> introduced this at the time in order to be able to map stations as points on 
> the one hand and to be able to do queries such as “which station does this 
> signal belong to” on the other hand.
> railway=facility never really caught on because mapping it was time-consuming 
> and there was no application back then that used it. I’ve actually never 
> really used it myself, too. But the main reason might be that the tagging 
> design was bad:
> I agree with some other comments here that mixing railway=facility with 
> public_transport=stop_area was not a good idea. This resulted in complex and 
> confusing tagging like type=public_transport + public_transport=stop_area + 
> railway=facility for passenger-stations and railway=facility without any 
> type=* for non-passenger stations (by the way impossible to create intuitive 
> tagging presets for that). It also resulted in mixing public transport 
> members such as stop_positions and subway_entrances with features such as the 
> landuse from a railway operations perspective.
> The facility relation duplicates a lot of tags of the railway=station feature.
> The facility relation maps one real world feature as two features in OSM, 
> which is not a good practice.
> Now with the recommendation 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway=station#:~:text=railway=station%20should%20be%20tagged%20preferably%20as%20an%20area>
>  to map railway=station as areas (for the infrastructural boundaries), I no 
> longer see any need for the workaround with railway=facility and propose to 
> deprecate it. It is just redundant information because the information is 
> either already mapped at the station area or can be queried with a simple 
> geometric query without having to maintain a relation and manually adding 
> each signal (can be a lot in bigger stations).

This proposal is also emoji-supported by @stevea and @jimkats.

I’d also love to hear your comments on the whole topic of railway station 
mapping in the same Community Forum discussion 

Thanks in advance,

PS: Sorry for using a relay email address, I’d like to keep my original one 

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