Hi Tim,

It's great that you're working on documenting and proposing tags for public
access AEDs.I see that Graeme has already pointed you to the
emergency=defibrillator tag on the OpenStreetMap wiki.

If you believe there's additional information that needs to be captured
beyond the existing documentation, it would be helpful to specify what you
think is missing or needs improvement. Providing a list or description of
the additional details you'd like to document can help others understand
your goals and potentially join forces with you.

Best of luck with your project, and feel free to share more details if you
have specific areas where you'd like assistance or collaboration.

Best regards,

Le ven. 2 févr. 2024 à 13:16, Timothy Noname <hervb...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Yes, I know about the main tag thanks but i think there's a lot of useful
> information that needs capturing that isn't documented at the moment.
> On Fri, 2 Feb 2024, 01:37 Graeme Fitzpatrick, <graemefi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Tag already set-up for them, Tim:
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency=defibrillator?uselang=en
>> Some groups are also working on mapping them as well.
>> Whereabouts are you?
>> Thanks
>> Graeme
>> On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 10:43, Timothy Noname <hervb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm looking at creating/documenting/proposing tags for public access
>>> AEDs Automatic external defibrillators.
>>> These things seem to be everywhere now.
>>> I want to document things like whether it's in a cabinet or not, colour
>>> of cabinet, access method to cabinet (no lock, key, keycode via emergency
>>> telephone), what the correct access tags would be for each scenario etc etc
>>> If anyone else is already working on this please let me know so we can
>>> work together
>>> Thanks
>>> Tim
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