On Jun 23, 2023, at 2:31 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jun 2023 at 03:37, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> but I have never seen a convenience store selling auto supplies, 
> Do you have stores attached to service stations, selling bread, milk, snacks, 
> drinks etc?
> If so, they would probably also have a couple of shelves of auto stuff.

I can confirm that (in the USA, widely) we have automobile service stations 
(colloquially called "gas stations" or infrequently "fuel stations") which 
sometimes have a convenience store attached, and that yes, they certainly do 
sell minor automobile supplies like fuses, oil, radiator-stop-leak, replacement 
turn-signal bulbs, et cetera.

And for convenience stores which are not "attached to" a "gas station" (service 
station, fuel station, petrol station...), I have certainly seem similar minor 
automobile supplies (fuses, oil, bulbs...) sold there, too.  Though, I'd say 
"less often than at a convenience store 'attached to' a service station."

See, this is why we have multiple tags that can associate with a single node 
(or polygon).  If it sells "light automobile supplies" (fuses, oil, bulbs...) 
it should be tagged with that (or something like it), along with fuel, 
sandwiches, soda, candy, tobacco, perhaps beer and wine, whatever.

Precision for shop=gun, shop=firearms remains elusive, though I think we all 
agree we want to be both encompassing and precise, which isn't always easy.
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