Clay Smalley <> writes:

> Voting has started on the proposal to introduce the key crossing:whistle=*.

I find the "optional" to be strange.  Regardless of a "whistles shall
not be blown at this crossing", obviously an engineer can use the horn
at any time if a danger exists.  The bit about work crews is more
complicated, and I can't really tell what the tag means.  Surely there
are actual rules for other than emergency situations, and I really doubt
the rule says "whistle should not be blown unless you feel like it".
And surely there are random other rules that say "in unusual situation X
you must do Y" and we don't therefore say "We can never say Y does or
doesn't happen and therefore have to say it's optional."

> Please vote on the wiki page

I did, and yes because I think this is better than were we are despite
the above.

However, the instructions said to just add a vote, implying the
user/talk would be autopopulated, and then it wouldn't.  Just a random
comment not really directed at you.

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