Colin Smale <> writes:

> UK native here...
> Looking at the vehicles, a bus would be more spartan, set up for fare
> collection, doors for speedy un/loading etc whereas a coach would
> almost always have only a single door (although some have more), be
> more luxurious, be equipped with seat belts etc. In bus-lover-land
> there are even so-called "Dual Purpose" vehicles which are in between
> being a bus and a coach.
> Looking at the usage of the vehicles, a bus would typically be used on
> scheduled services with a predefined timetable and (mostly) predefined
> stops, whereas a coach would often be used on "private hire"
> arrangements for one-off journeys.
> Having said that, there are many scheduled long-distance (city to
> city) services using coaches, and buses can also be used for private
> hire. There is also a grey area of express services with multiple
> stops along a predetermined route (I am thinking of the old Green Line
> network for example).
> From the perspective of traffic law, a "Bus Lane" may be restricted to
> scheduled services by a licensed operator. Even empty buses returning
> to the depot may not be allowed (as it is not on "active
> service"). Other bus lanes might also allow private hire vehicles, it
> depends on the specific legislation.
> My main point being that the way the vehicle is constructed may not be
> enough to determine whether it can use a bus lane or use a coach
> parking area - the circumstances of its use may also be significant.

Thanks.  That is complicated, and it's interesting how close the
bus/coach distinction is to US usage.

For this case, I  think Anne might be asking about a parking lot
(carpark) where buses/coaches can park,  such as at a tourist attraction
type place, where there is either a lot for cars and one for buses, or
one with sections.

I would expect the fare/scheduled/etc. city buses would not park out in
the world, and there would be some sort of depot that is in an
industrial area, for only the buses belonging to that agency.

so to me it sounds like amenity=coach_parking or capacity:coach is
reasonable, leaving the access rules fuzzy  (but no fuzzier than they
are in general)

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