Hello everyone

Does the area outside the sidelines of a pitch up a board, a fence, a
change in surface or similar belong to a pitch (sports field) or not?
I'm asking because there's [some disagreement][^1] about how to map
`leisure=pitch`: [like this][^2] or [like this][^3]?

Unfortunately, Wikipedia is unclear: in the article on [out of
bounds][^4] it says that 'the sidelines are the white or colored lines
which mark the outer boundaries of a sports field'. However, the
article on [pitch][^5] states that 'the field of play generally
includes out-of-bounds areas that a player is likely to enter while
playing a match'.

Best regards

[^1]: https://lists.openstreetmap.ch/pipermail/talk-ch/2023-May/011920.html
[^2]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/46.00564/8.96361
[^3]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/46.93564/7.42376
[^4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out_of_bounds
[^5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_(sports_field)

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