I agree with others. This is not my understanding. But, let's assume it
was? So? Slate is always black. It also can't be curved.. IIRC, the mineral
structure means it always fractures on a 2d plane, the only question being
how thick it is. So if it is a subset or not for some mappers locally, it
doesn't seem to matter much. You can always clearly tell what is slate and
what it is not. And if you see the two options on StreetComplete you would
know which one to pick.

At the very least that means it's way better than other subsets.. Like
`concrete` and `concrete:plates` which God himself can't get a consensus
on, and requires destructive analysis to differentiate. =)

But sure, maybe


would be better... then you could also do,


for the new Tesla https://www.tesla.com/solarroof, and it would also


But I'm not sure anything _needs_ to change here,

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 3:02 PM Timothy Noname <hervb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Every source I've seen indicates that slate is a type of roof tile and
> that roof tiles don't need to interlock to be roof tiles.
> On Sat, 11 Mar 2023, 08:35 Warin, <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Slate in comparison to a rood tile is flat and not of a uniform
>> dimension.
>> Roof tiles can be made of terracotta, fired glazed clay or concrete- They
>> are made to a uniform pattern that overlaps and keys in to the other tiles.
>> On 11/3/23 10:49, Timothy Noname wrote:
>> They overlap a lot, less than 50% of a slate tile is visible
>> https://www.gbrroofing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/blue-slate-roofing-5.jpg
>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023, 21:48 Philip Barnes, <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
>>> Slate is a natural material, quarried from sedimentary rock, they tend
>>> to be very smooth and not overlap too much. Usually found on older
>>> buildings, are rare on modern buildings unless they are in a conservative
>>> area and need to fit in.
>>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slate#/media/File%3ASt_Fagans_Tannery_7.jpg
>>> Tiles are moulded from clay and are designed to lock together and
>>> overlap. Common on more modern buildings.
>>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof_tiles#/media/File%3ARoof-Tile-3149.jpg
>>> Phil (trigpoint)
>>> On 10 March 2023 18:53:09 GMT, Timothy Noname <hervb...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> How are slate roof tiles totally different to roof tiles?
>>>> They are both manufactured to a certain size and laid in an overlapping
>>>> pattern?
>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023, 17:19 Philip Barnes, <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2023-03-10 at 16:01 +0000, Timothy Noname wrote:
>>>>> > Slate roof tiles
>>>>> > roof:material=slate
>>>>> > Or
>>>>> > roof:material=roof_tiles
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I admit I've used both in the past.
>>>>> Tiles are totally different to slates, I would never consider a slate
>>>>> to be a tile.
>>>>> Other than being used for roofing, they are different and easily
>>>>> identified.
>>>>> Phil (trigpoint)
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