Feb 21, 2023, 12:30 by 61sundow...@gmail.com:

> On 19/2/23 06:00, Mateusz Konieczny via      Tagging wrote:
>> Feb 17, 2023, 11:03 by >> 61sundow...@gmail.com>> :
>>> On 16/2/23 21:11, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging          wrote:
>>>> Feb 16, 2023, 10:18 by >>>> 61sundow...@gmail.com>>>> :
>>>>> landuse=meadow should delete the vegetation in the              
>>>>> description leaving the use ... "Used to tag an area of              land 
>>>>> used for hay (meadow) or for grazing animals              (pasture)." 
>>>>> That would make it clear and possibly reduce              its misuse. If 
>>>>> you can only see grass then you don't know              if it is a 
>>>>> meadow, so don't map that .. but map the grass!
>>>> note that barn storing hay is not            landuse=meadow and according 
>>>> to 
>>>> "land used for hay (meadow)" maybe interpreted            in way claiming 
>>>> this.
>>> That problem already exists with the present description, so          no 
>>> change there. 
>> It does not exist:
>> "An area of meadow or pasture: land primarily        vegetated by grass
>> and other non-woody plants, mainly used for hay or        grazing."
> Arr I see your point (finally) .. How is this?
> "Used to tag an area of land used to produce hay (a meadow) or      for 
> grazing animals (a pasture)."
seems to work for me
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