Marc_marc wrote: “I would have rather described the [office] key as being the 
place of cerebral or administrative tasks, as opposed to craft which is the 
place of manual tasks”.

So basically, you consider that craft refers to any manual activity, from 
dressmakers to electricians, which could make sense. Using the same definition, 
using office=psychologist would also make sense, right?

Going back to the electrician as an example. The workplace of a person who 
comes to your house to change a plug or make an electrical installation in a 
building is tagged craft=electrician. I’m fine with it.
What if this electrician does a very good job and get popular? The electrician 
eventually hires many other electricians, secretaries, accountants, and create 
a company. Does that workplace be then tagged as office=company and 
company=electrician since mostly administrative tasks are now held in the 
workplace? Or if only the final output of the company is taken into account and 
then still be tagged craft=electrician?

Just trying to figure out a way to make sense ...
and I find it helpful so far :-)

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Marc_marc<>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 12:08
Subject: Re: [Tagging] craft vs office for service enterprises/establishments.

Le 25.01.23 à 17:48, Daniel Bégin a écrit :
> office=* refers to places mainly providing services
> and frequently selling them.

I would have rather described the key as being the place of cerebral or
administrative tasks, as opposed to craf which is the place of manual
tasks: technically it is not impossible that a craftsman has an office
in one place and a workshop in another (and even a shop in a third place)

> I would also use office=* for electricians because they provide services

it depends on the meaning of electrician:
if it is the person who comes to your house to change a plug or make
an electrical installation in a building, it is clearly a manual work
and not a service.
if it is the person working for a company producing electricity,
it is industrial with offices (but where there is no electrician)

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