The simpliest way to map a long route is to give the same name to every ways it 
is composed of. Then, in second position, you can also create a relation.

Le 29 décembre 2022 10:47:44 GMT+01:00, Warin <> a écrit :
>It appears that route name are being applied to track/path names,
>I believe this comes about due to signs that state the route names and point 
>along the track/path that appear to the name of the track/path.
>For example Way 228853104 
>Tagged as;
>name     Continental Divide NST {NST being an abbreviation of National Scenic 
>name_1     Colorado Trail (Segment 22)
>and part of relations;
>    Relation Colorado Trail (3445384)
>    Relation CDT ivc (8053592) {this is an abbreviation of Continental Divide 
>Trail and part of a relation, that is part of a relation, that is part of 
>Relation: Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (921198)!!!}
>I think the 'names' should be removed from these 'unnamed' things ..the 'name' 
>is the name of the route not the individual tracks/paths some of which existed 
>before some routes were created.
>Note I am not that familiar with the above 2 routes but am familiar with two 
>near me .. and those routes are relatively recent compared to the tracks and 
>paths they use.  I am useing those 2 routes as more people would be aware of 
>them than the ones I know.
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