On 12/12/2022 2:28 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Following a JOSM discussion I wanted to ask here, if someone else is using building=entrance to tag entrance buildings.

It is a term that seems well introduced and understandable, so there is not much hindering people from using it, just that there was the bad practice to use the same tag on nodes for what is now done with the "entrance" key.
sorry, missed the link https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/22570

any comments on the tag? Someone else using it for buildings?

Two thoughts offhand:

1) I feel pretty strongly that any value of building=* should refer to a type of building. To me, building=entrance would sound like an attempt at tagging something similar to building=gatehouse.

2) building=* on a node is just fine; we don't always have sufficient aerial imagery or other data to discern an acceptable footprint. (That's on a freestanding node of course; building=* on a node that's part of another building's perimeter would be a problem.)

Cheers, J

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