Dear Yves and Anne!
Thanks for you comments!
sled vs. sledding: I agree that sledding is a better word, however as
"sled" is already used for piste:type I chose to stick to that. But sure
it's easy to use something else.
I think it will be hard to find a lot of support for a relation type
grouping sled runs, parking, restaurants, etc...
All the additionalfeatures can be found easily in OSM: they are close
> to the run itself.
It's true that if the intention is to identify ways that are used for
sledding and huts, parking and restaurants in the proximity the existing
tags are sufficient, however there are some situations where I couldn't
map the situation like I feel it should be done (that does not mean that
this proposal is the best solution):
* Like bike routes, sled runs have a name that is not necessarily
identical to the name of the way it uses. Specifically, the "way up"
that is sometimes separated from the sledrun itself run can hardly be
tagged as piste:type sled. But it still is - from winter sports
perspective - part of the sled run "route".
* Not that crucial but still easy to track if we have a relation is the
parking which "belongs" to the sled run as the snow is removed in winter
which is not so obvious to see from plain parking elements and which
restaurants are open during "sports time" and welcome people doing
sledding. And, which cable cars do carry sledges.
For the walking parts, highway=path or else, or maybe
piste:type=hike or connection if nothing remains in summer are
already walkable and routable to connect the sled run to the rest of
the world.
I totally agree.
In any case, this does not mean sledding doesn't deserve a nice
documentation page in the wiki!
Why not ?
You are right, it's really similar. I guess the main reason is that at
the time I was in the need for something like this sled relation I was
not available (or I didn't find it those days). It would probably need
some tweeking to cover all information I suggested (like a way to
distinguish parts where you need to walk and where you can actually
sled) but I'll have a closer look at it to see whether this could be done.
Best regards,
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