Le 06.12.22 à 00:47, Graeme Fitzpatrick a écrit :

Are there any further comments that anybody would like to raise?

I have not issue with merging 3-4 tags with the same meaning but :

- what are we mapping ? reading the description, this seems to be more of a landuse=ermergency than mapping an emergency service i.e. where
you can go to get a service
I would not map a coordinating & controlling for doctors under emergency=* and so don't see a logic to map full "office only" place with a emergency=*

- proposing lifeboat_station for a helicopter rescue base seems
to me a bad idea. a more generic tag without "boat" seems better.
maybe rescue station (and it would be very logical to have the same
term as seamark)
otherwise another tag will naturally be created for those area
where the proposed tag is counter-intuitive

- should we vote on the meaning of "Deprecated" for this particular proposal? and thus expose ourselves to having proposals with a different meaning? it seems to me that it would be better to take this content out of the proposal, this is not what we are voting on, instead a link to a page describing this meaning would be ideal

- are we voting also for all "Tags used in combination" ?
the seamark mess (including duplicate and :type meaningless) would lead me to automatically vote no to a proposal that would try to include them in something else without reason

- what's a lifeboat:class ? it would be a good idea to describe it better or to take it out of the proposal and postpone it to a next time (this does not prevent to have it on the wiki page of the tag, without the approved status and thus likely to be improved easily)

- The various seamark categories *should* be included
sorry I disagree. it may, it not mandatory and perfectly valid/usefull
to create a object without these tags (especially those which
are only repetition of other osm tags), the next contributor has
the opportunity to add to the first contribution

- lifeboat = offshore / inshore : the description is not clear if it informs the place of intervention of the boats (the stations of Lake Geneva are inshore despite of its size) or the extent of the coverage: a rescue station probably would be preferable to have a more generic tag, more thoughtful so that it can be applied to non-water rescue. something describing the extent (maybe scope)
if not, does emergency=marine_rescue implie lifeboat=offshore or
not always ?

- Remove incorrect tagging of amenity=lifeboat, currently being used
to show the location that lifeboats are moored at.
ok, but list the correct tag


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