On 20/10/2022 20:36, Illia Marchenko wrote:

чт, 20 окт. 2022 г., 22:25 Illia Marchenko <illiamarchenk...@gmail.com>:

    Please give link :-)

    чт, 20 окт. 2022 г., 20:57 Kamil Kulawik <sosowa...@gmail.com>:


        Voting has started for evaporation towers tagging -

Hang on - you're asking people to vote for a thing that doesn't appear in the OSM database /at all/?  No-one - not even you - could be bothered with actually mapping one of these things using this tag before asking people to "vote" on it?

There has been recent criticism* that the way that some people are using the "proposal process" is wasting everyone's time.  I'm sure that you're doing this with the best of intentions, but this seems to be another example of it.

Best Regards,


* https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2022-October/066190.html et al
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