On 14/10/22 22:33, Peter Elderson wrote:
Just a remark: I think a mainly decorative object is not an amenity.
An amenity may be near it, or attached to it, but that still does not
make the object an amenity.
Some view works of art as amenities.
A road is an amenity .. yet they are not tagged amenity in OSM.
A building is an amenity.
I view most values of man_made as amenities...
I think of OSM key 'amenity' as the miscellaneous folder .. a catch all.
If there is a less general key then I think that other key should be
used in preference to the key 'amenity'.
An object that provides water for actual use, such as a tap or a pipe
from which water permanently flows, is an amenity. It may be
decorated, or fitted to a decorative object, but still is an amenity.
The BE word fountain, I understand, primarily means the decorative
structure including the decorative waterflow.
That is one meaning of it. It can also mean the starting point of a
river/stream... and other things.
Possibly some view the word 'fountain' as meaning "a source of water'.
Decorative fountains around me are not sources of water .. using the
water from a fountain could have the Police/council Rangers called.
So, to me, any tagging using amenity=fountain sounds like a contradiction.
I reach the same conclusion, but for different reasons.
Peter Elderson
Op vr 14 okt. 2022 om 12:22 schreef Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 14. Okt. 2022 um 12:10 Uhr schrieb Davidoskky via Tagging
This other fountain doesn't have such wall, thus it is not
and it cannot be tagged as amenity=fountain (assuming we
disregard the
recreational utility mentioned in the wiki).
this other fountain happens to be decorated as well. Let's ignore
this for a moment, and assume it wasn't. It could still be a
decorative fountain, if it can be seen as street decor. Setting up
a fountain requires some effort, so there will usually be a
purpose, even if it isn't necessary now as it was when it was
constructed. I would generally see amenity=fountain applicable for
any fountain that is not only a drinking fountain and that is not
set up as a watering place for animals only.
The shape and use of these two fountains looks the same to me.
Why would you tag them as different features?
I wouldn't
I'm not necessarily saying they need to be tagged as
but I would expect their main tagging to be the same and maybe
differ in
some secondary parameter.
maybe, if you come up with an idea about these secondary
parameters, we can discuss them.
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