Even though doing the washing is a chore, a shared facility that is useful
to you for getting your clothes dry....makes it an amenity. You don't have
to like using it.

On Sat, 8 Oct 2022, 10:41 Warin, <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> While we thinking of water features and how to make some sense of what
> we have now...
> I'll raise the subject of a less numerous subject and hopefully less
> confusing subject for contemplation; cloths lines.
> Some Russian mappers have crested and mapped amenity=clothes_dryer
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dclothes_dryer
> Some 350 uses exist. A fair proportion have no further details, rack and
> T post look to be the more popular details.
> Within New South Wales, Australia I have been using
> man_made=clothes_line, 48 of them. All of these have been
> clothes_line=rotary with appropriate access tag - most private some
> customers.
> However there looks to be another value that has some use in Britain -
> 'washing line'.
> I'll ask on the UK group list for their preference, but any thoughts
> here on either the key or value?
> Keys;
> amenity
> or
> man_made
> I prefer man_made .. I view washing as a chore not as enjoyment.. :)
> Values;
> clothes dryer
> clothes line
> washing line
> I don't like dryer - to me that is an electrical machine that drys
> clothes...
> -----------------------
> I note Paul Allen has been a good participant in the last conversation
> on this .. thanks Paul.
> Raising this again due to the new value of 'washing line' .. which I
> have not come access before.
> That and I'd like to have a good tag that passes the test of time unlike
> the water mess, apologies to those that started it ... 20/20 hindsight
> is the advantage of looking back.
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