Hi Volker,

Thanks for your comments.

On 05/10/2022 23:01, Volker Schmidt wrote:
Can we not finish this useless discussion?
1) That's what the proposal is trying to do.
2) You're free to abstain from any discussion you consider useless; but since you haven't:

The amenity=bench tag was created just for thatĀ purpose, benches.
Some time later someone created the key seats to indicate how many people can sit on a bench, adding explicitly that the key capacity should not be used in that case. The addition that key seats should be used only for benches that have separate seats by an author who obviously had not looked at the actual usage of the two tags. (this has been reverted in the wiki)
Recent contributions to this mailing list gave me the impression that not all mappers share your opinion -- hence the proposal(s).

The proposal to replace seats with capacity, keeping exactly the same meaning does not make any sense to me.
This is off topic. The proposal you're talking about has been cancelled. As clearly stated in the new proposal, the question of how the name the key is left open.

A different argument is if we need a separate tag for benches with separated single-person seats (I guess we are talking about waiting chairs or multiseat chairs).
Correct, that is a different discussion and should be discussed in a different thread. Not part of this one.

This could amenity=chair (used 800 times only) with a new default of seats=1, and an optional seats=x

BTW. It is not clear if seats is a noun or a verb.
Irrelevant. As said, the name of the key is not subject of the proposal. (but I think it reads nicely both as a verb and a noun)

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