On Wed, Dec 16, 2020, at 05:44, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
Trying to understand your question, the way in your example is tagged:

destination Troy

destination:ref I 787 North

From the data consumer perspective, such tagging will generate a navigation instruction:

"turn slightly right towards Troy, I 787 North". This would be helpful as long as the driver

is able to recognise it on the local signposting.

What is written on the sign at this junction? If "North" is mentioned there I would be

happy enough with the tagging above.

That is correct, the sign says "I 787 North". However the wiki page for the destination:ref key states:

The key destination:ref=* should be used to specify the reference of the roads directly ahead as indicated on signposts, road markings or similar. The value of this key should be equal to the value of the key ref=* of these roads. Note the last sentence. If the destination:ref must be the same as the ref it is going to, then this would be I 787, or else all the ways along the entire I 787 route should have their ref tags changed to indicate direction as well.
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