On 30/11/20 8:45 am, Andrea Mazzoleni wrote:
I bought a tracking device that supports GPS dualband (also called
dual frequency) for high precision mapping, and I'm wondering if I can
put this information in the "source" tag.
The intention is to make future mappers consider the device precision
when doing corrections.
If the intention is to indicate the error/accuracy/uncertainty then
tag/state that. The better GPS devices give indications of this
As the error/accuracy/uncertainty varies with the topography, satellites
presently in view and the capabilities of the GPS device a statement of
the GPS device capabilities revel little about the actual on the ground
situation at the time of survey. Some of these
error/accuracy/uncertainty can be reduced by taking many GPS tracks over
several days/week/months and obtaining an average that excludes
outliers. If possible take tracks of home to/from work and compare them
to see how much they vary day to day ... they should give an idea of
In some locations the topography gives reflected signals that produce
false GPS tracks, in these areas imagery may well be better than survey
by consumer GPS even with dual band and many constellations are used.
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