Niels, thanks for the list.

I was able to find examples and existing tagging for most of the values you
noted as missing, and I've updated the proposal to add them.  I did already
have a value listed dangerous intersection (hazard=dangerous_junction, 400

The one you listed that is not clear is the one that you describe as
"dangerous road edge".  The linked sign looks more like a "soft verge" or
"soft shoulder" sign, and there are no existing tag values that I can find
for this type of hazard.  There is a small number of usages of
hazard=uneven_road, however that sign usually looks something like this:

There is also a small usage of hazard=cliff, which has particularly fun
signs, notably:!_(16841837743).jpg

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 8:06 AM Niels Elgaard Larsen <>

> På Thu, 26 Nov 2020 09:11:25 -0500
> I am missing values for:
> horse riding:
> hazard:animal=horse should only be for wild horses
> Crossing bicyclists:
> Slippery road:
> How do we map "slippery when wet"? Or ice?
> Loose rocks on the road:
> Dangerous road edge:
> low airplanes and helicopters:
> Queue risk:
> Dangerous intersections
> "Brian M. Sperlongano" <> skrev:
> >I am not opposed to including unsigned hazards, if that's the
> >consensus.  I was trying to address anticipated concerns about tagging
> >unverifiable things.
> It could be verified in other ways. For example official reports based
> on statistics. Or newspaper articles on accidents caused by crossing
> animals on a certain stretch of road.
> > For example, someone in a western country
> >tagging a curve hazard on every instance of a bend in the road and not
> >just the signed parts.
> I agree. In fact there is not much point in tagging even the signed
> parts.
> The reason for those signs is that the driver cannot see road ahead or
> that it is difficult to judge the sharpness from the perspective of a
> car.
> But with a map it can be done. A data consumer is in a better position
> to decide if turns are hazards. When using a navigation system, I can
> look at the screen and judge if the next turn could be a problem.
> I could also tell my navigation software which vehicle I am driving and
> it could use that information together with my current position, my
> actual speed and the data on the road ahead to decide if I should be
> alerted.
> For the same reason there is also no reason to tag signed hazards for:
> Tunnels:
> Steep inclines/declines:
> level crossing without gates:
> bridges that open:
> Quays without guards:
> because all those can be inferred from other tags.
> >On Thu, Nov 26, 2020, 8:06 AM Yves via Tagging
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >> And hazards for niche practices (climbing, whitewater sports, ski
> >> touring,...) that are actually mapped in OSM are not generally
> >> signposted or 'official'.
> >> Maybe we can't expect this proposal to cover them, but you can't
> >> prevent users to use the tag hazard to map them.
> >> Yves
> >>
> >> Le 26 novembre 2020 10:10:45 GMT+01:00, Martin Koppenhoefer <
> >>> a écrit :
> >>>
> >>> Am Do., 26. Nov. 2020 um 08:25 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via
> >>> Tagging <>:
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>    - It is not explicitly mentioned, but it would be a good idea to
> >>>>    have explicit mention
> >>>>    - is it OK to tag hazard that
> >>>>    -
> >>>>    - - exists
> >>>>    - - is unsigned
> >>>>    - - government has not declared that it exists (maybe
> >>>> government is dysfunctional/missing like
> >>>>    - in Somalia, or it is covering-up the problem, or it has higher
> >>>>    priorities - for example during war)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> +1. This may also depend on the context. The same kind of hazard on
> >>> a road may well be signposted, but not on a hiking trail in a
> >>> forest.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Martin
> >>>
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