It looks like the vast majority of the uses of hazard=erosion is in
Bolivia, where it appears (from overhead imagery) to be used to tag
locations where these dirt roads are near or intersected by intermittent
streams which tend to wash the road out.  Often they are combined with
ford=yes when the stream actually crosses the road.  That seems like it
could be a reasonable thing to tag, and not at all like the various
"falling rocks/landslide/rockslide" variants which are all versions of
"land falling from above".

On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 3:05 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> Am Do., 26. Nov. 2020 um 17:48 Uhr schrieb Brian M. Sperlongano <
>>  This is good feedback, and I would potentially toss another into the
>> mix: hazard=erosion which has about 300 tags.  Do we think these four tags
>> (rock_slide, falling_rocks, landslide, erosion) represent four distinct and
>> separate things that are properly tagged separately?
> I would see erosion as the parent category for all of the other 3,
> possibly too generic to get an idea what particularly is happening there.
> I'd rather deprecate it than encourage its use.
> Cheers
> Martin
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