On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 at 20:49, Robert Delmenico <rob...@rtbk.com.au> wrote:

> Thank you all for the discussion around changing the tag man_made.
> After careful consideration I have decided to abandon this proposal

Probably the best, because it tried to go too far in one go.

- mostly because the fact that the man_made tag is clearly a hodgepodge of
> tags that probably should be redefined as separate items.

Yes, as came out with the discussion that Anders raised about basic
features, if we were starting them all off today, a lot of things in OSM
would be done very differently!

Thanks for all your input, fair to say this process has been interesting at
> best.

Both of these discussions certainly have been! It will be interesting to
see if anything comes of them in the long run?


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